Physarum polycephalum
a single-celled critter that should be as dumb as slime on the bathtub, because that's all it is - a slime, can navigate through mazes better than a rat on steroids; it always finds the shortest and the fastest way to the food.It is smarter than the human city planners - when the scientists tried sprinkling the food crumbs to represent the cities, PP (my nickname for the critter) created the most efficient communication network between the crumbs, which means it can totally replace most employees in the city planning offices for the super low wage of a few crumbs of oak bark.
It knows time! When scientists annoyed it at intervals of 60 min PP learned to anticipate it by reacting to the conditions after 60 min when nothing happened. Scientists then tried 30 min and 90 min with the same result: the mold knows how to tell time!
PP has already got a couple of jobs in the human world! It works in the USB sensor and inside some robots. Its job market is expected to increase dramatically in the future. PP is expected to take over all the positions of logic gates in future computers.
Hell, this slime is so smart, it wouldn't surprise me if soon it wanted a Union and the fair wages.
Article about Physarum mold on Wikipedia
That is because humans tend to find the shortest and fastest way to the cash rather than the shortest and fastest way to the food.