Monday, February 13, 2012

The first thought and the intelligence (god) particle

As we saw many experiments demonstrate, matter has consciousness just like the living beings. Water can distinguish between good and bad and react to it, it can remember things, and tiny particles of metal can organize themselves in an intelligent pattern. Is there such thing as an intelligence particle or god particle? A particle that either contains intelligence or is somehow connected to its source?

Here's what supposedly happened in the Big Bang: Right after the Bang there was a hot soup of electrons, quarks and other particles. As the soup cooled, quarks lumped into protons and neutrons. Soup cooled a bit more, and the electrons started clumping with protons forming hydrogen and helium atoms, about 75% hydrogen and 25% helium. Hydrogen proceeded to form molecules of water, carbon and, eventually, life. So, it appears logical that the intelligence resides inside the hydrogen atom. A hydrogen atom consists of an electron, proton and zero to two neutrons.

Here is a link to a wikipedia article about the electron. To summarize it in a couple of words: the electron is thought to be an elementary particle (indivisible into smaller components) with a negative charge. It has a mass 1/1836 of proton (by the way, those numbers add up to 1 (1+1+8+3+6=19 => 1+9=10 => 1+0=1). Electron participates in everything important: magnetism, electricity, formation of other atoms. Electrons seem to be a lot busier than protons. Here is a link to wikipedia about protons. The proton consists of 3 quarks. The number of protons in an atom determines the chemical element. Hydrogen has one proton, and oxygen eight. So H2O - water has a total of
10 protons (1+0=1, a rather interesting coincidence). So which one of the two - proton or electron is the intelligence particle? Actually, if it is the proton, then it would have to be the quarks. Or is it the teamwork requiring both protons and electrons? My personal feeling is that the intelligence resides in, or is channeled through an electron, which uses protons sort of like bricks to build matter.

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