In my other posts I gave numerous examples of intelligence at work in simple organisms without any brain or nerves. In this post I'll go a step further and show you some indications of intelligence in traditionally non-living matter.
The Japanese scientist Dr. Emoto did a bunch of experiments with water: when he put stickers on water samples that said bad words, the water froze in ugly messy crystals, and if the stickers said nice words like Love, Beauty, etc., the water froze in beautiful crystals. If the experiment really went the way Emoto described it, it would mean that water has pretty amazing intelligence, and can read not only Japanese, but any language. (Ok, water being able to read does seem slightly reaching. But it could be possible that water is picking up the subconscious reaction of the person to the word on a sticker rather than reading the sticker. Which would explain why the experiment wasn't always getting exactly the same results when others tried to duplicate it - if the experimenter just went through a bitter divorce, naturally, the word Love would evoke anger and mess up the experiment.)
Here are some excerpts from the book The Basic Code of the Universe that support my thinking:
"...Bose noticed that, with constant use, the sensitivity of his detector mechanism became reduced and that it would return to normal after a period of rest. This 'strange fact' led him to the conclusion that metals, just like humans and animals, may need to recover from strain and that the dividing line between not living metals and living organisms was very tenuous.
...Bose observed that the graphs of the oxidation of warmed-up magnetic iron looked like those of the muscles...
...He noticed that on a metallic surface that had been corroded by acid, then polished so well that every trace of the corrosion was gone, the points previously attacked had different reactions than the other areas. Bose attributed those reactions to the prolonging of the memory of the corrosion."
Shortly before his death Bose said: "In my research on the action of forces on matter, I was amazed to find boundary lines vanishing and to discover points of contact emerging between the Living and non-Living."
There appears to be an intelligence permeating the so-called non-living matter as well as the living. The Native Americans, the Pagans, and the Druids all had it right: everything in nature has a living, thinking and feeling spirit. This spirit could have been hanging around since the beginning of time or longer and could have been responsible for the creation of life right along with the evolution. Perhaps without this spirit the evolution wouldn't have worked at all?

Here are some excerpts from the book The Basic Code of the Universe that support my thinking:
"...Bose noticed that, with constant use, the sensitivity of his detector mechanism became reduced and that it would return to normal after a period of rest. This 'strange fact' led him to the conclusion that metals, just like humans and animals, may need to recover from strain and that the dividing line between not living metals and living organisms was very tenuous.
...Bose observed that the graphs of the oxidation of warmed-up magnetic iron looked like those of the muscles...
...He noticed that on a metallic surface that had been corroded by acid, then polished so well that every trace of the corrosion was gone, the points previously attacked had different reactions than the other areas. Bose attributed those reactions to the prolonging of the memory of the corrosion."
Shortly before his death Bose said: "In my research on the action of forces on matter, I was amazed to find boundary lines vanishing and to discover points of contact emerging between the Living and non-Living."
There appears to be an intelligence permeating the so-called non-living matter as well as the living. The Native Americans, the Pagans, and the Druids all had it right: everything in nature has a living, thinking and feeling spirit. This spirit could have been hanging around since the beginning of time or longer and could have been responsible for the creation of life right along with the evolution. Perhaps without this spirit the evolution wouldn't have worked at all?
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