Thursday, September 27, 2012

First intelligent life on Earh

First organized, intelligent life on Earth that ruled for 3 billion years was cyanobacteria. The fossils made by cyanobacteria from 3.5 billion years ago show remarkable beauty called stromatolites. These structures reached a few feet across. It manufactured the oxygen-rich atmosphere that allowed other life forms to evolve. Cyanobacteria is still alive today.
Cyanobacteria has an intelligent hive mind and communication that has been compared to internet.
They had division of labor already, like the ants, and while some stayed at home, others went out exploring, looking for new territories. Those of them who ran in some sort of trouble were able to send messages to their relatives, to let them know not to follow them. They also showed some remarkable feats of DNA engineering, quickly creating different shapes and tools.  Howard Bloom in his book Global Brain says, "Ancient bacteria ... had mastered the art of worldwide information exchange. They swapped snippets of genetic material like humans trading computer programs."

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