If myths reflect reality in any way, then, starting at the very beginning, let's look at the Garden of Eden story. Adam and Eve must have lived in the garden for quite a long time without any issues. Then they get tempted and get kicked out. Firstly, who really tempted them? I think, God is the one who did that by pointing out an apple tree that they had no difficulty ignoring before. Everyone knows that kids are tempted by stuff they are told not to do, and weren't Adam and Eve basically kids in their mentality back then? And if God gave humans free will, then is it right to punish them for exercising it? And do you really have free will if you are threatened with punishment? God is using some double standards here. (Like when you are told, your body is your temple and you are in charge of it, but if you don't get a covid vaccine you'll lose your job, lose your house, become homeless and live in a tent.) Therefore distrust of authority and disobedience are in our genes, according to this myth.
Everyone agrees that if humans weren't so competitive and greedy the world would be a better place. Looking back to mythology, how did all that get started? By a contest between Cain and Abel. God encouraged them to prepare a meal, to compete with each other, and that caused the fight between the brothers, who lived happily and loved each other until God introduced competition. And then, instead of smiting Cain, whereby fixing the mistake, as would have been the right thing to do, God lets him go free to promote contests and teach the winning mindset. I bet all the rich capitalists and politicians are descendants of Cain. Definitely Putin, he must have a lot of Cain's genes. So we can blame God for inequities and the wars.
Looking at those two myths which were supposedly the foundation of human morality it looks as if God was responsible for making us such evil bastards.
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