Your plants, pets, yogurt, salad you eat, the cells of your body read your mind at all times! The proof of that is described in detail in Cleve Backster's book Primary Perception. Cleve Backster began his research rather accidentally by attaching a polygraph to a dracaena plant, just for kicks and giggles. Cleve Backster was a polygraph expert. In a polygraph a tiny bit of electricity is passed through the electrodes, which are attached to each of the two fingers of a person. The polygraph measures changes in blood pressure, pulse, and respiration. So Cleve hooked up the electrodes to the leaves of the plant, and then he thought - what if I were to get a match and burn one of the leaves. The plant was 15 feet away when he thought that, but at the moment of him thinking it, the polygraph pen jerked up sharply – the plant was clearly terrified!